About Us

The Groom

Name: Michael Retoff

Birthday: May 10, 1989

Occupation: U.S. Army Soldier/ College Student

Favorite Things: Video games, running, working out, Italian and Korean food, dogs, movies, music, military history, traveling, trying new things, and spending time with Heather.

Favorite Memory with Heather: Taking an evening walk in the forest below Neuschwanstein Castle after all the tourists had left.  The woods were quiet and deserted, so we could hear the loons as we looked out over the lake.

The Bride

Name: Heather Mortensen
Birthday: July 23, 1989

Occupation: College Student

Favorite Things: Birds, reading, writing, high heels, museums, video games, anime, delicious food, shopping, historical fashion, history, photography, cookies, vintage autos, and other cultures.

Favorite Memory with Mike: Visiting Pigeon Forge when the weather was terrible and walking around in the rain, holding hands.